Public behaviour and adherence during the Covid-19 pandemic

Episode 3 June 05, 2020 00:43:32
Public behaviour and adherence during the Covid-19 pandemic
Tea and Talk with the RSE
Public behaviour and adherence during the Covid-19 pandemic

Jun 05 2020 | 00:43:32


Hosted By

The Royal Society of Edinburgh

Show Notes

Episode 3 of our 'Tea and Talk' podcast dives into the social science and analysis of public behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic, as Dr. Rebekah Widdowfield chats with Professor Stephen Reicher of the University of St Andrews.

How have people reacted to lockdown measures? How did experts expect them to react? Why is a collective mentality so important during crises?

Subscribe for a new episode every Friday.

The Royal Society of Edinburgh — @news_RSE
Dr. Rebekah Widdowfield — @Rebekah_RSE
Prof. Stephen Reicher — @ReicherStephen 

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