Tea and Talk with the RSE
In the first episode of the Royal Society of Edinburgh's 'Tea and Talk' podcast, RSE Chief Executive, Dr. Rebekah Widdowfield chats with RSE President, Professor Dame Anne Glover about the importance of using science and scientific evidence to inform government policy, how these have been used in the UK during the current COVID-19 crisis, and the launch of the RSE's Post-Covid-19 Futures Commission.
Subscribe for a new episode every Friday.
The Royal Society of Edinburgh—@news_RSE
Dr. Rebekah Widdowfield—@Rebekah_RSE
Prof. Dame Anne Glover—@AnneGlover_EU
Studies have shown that living with a disability is more expensive than living without one. As the Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a huge blow...
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Welcome back for another series of the Royal Society of Edinburgh's 'Tea & Talk' Podcast; a series of conversations with some of Scotland's leading...