“Good integration is not camps, it’s not aid. It’s people living in flourishing communities where everyone can contribute.”
In S03E05 of the RSE Tea and Talk Podcast, Dr Rebekah Widdowfield discusses the issues asylum seekers and refugees face in a post-Brexit Britain with RSE Fellow, Professor Alison Phipps, Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies at the University of Glasgow and UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts.
Welcome back for another series of the Royal Society of Edinburgh's 'Tea & Talk' Podcast; a series of conversations with some of Scotland's leading...
With COP26 being held in Glasgow, we chat to Professor James Curran MBE FRSE and Professor Duncan Maclennan CBE FRSE about the impact of...
Tea and Talk with the RSEIn the first episode of the Royal Society of Edinburgh's 'Tea and Talk' podcast, RSE Chief Executive, Dr. Rebekah...